Permeability Housed _
Residential Addition + Alteration
Project Data
Location : Petaling Jaya
Project Date : 2021
Client : Private
In an established suburb of Petaling Jaya, within a closed-knitted community, lies this east-fronting house that had been renovated incongruently over the years. It has now been transformed into a progressive test bed for design innovation, research & development, and trial of ideas and principles continuously developed by the practice. The approach stems from a minimalistic standpoint that “lightness” - of building footprint, carbon footprint, weight, construction/ materials & logistics, embedded energy - applied through well considered design of the spatial configuration, envelope and form, coupled with the principles of “permeability” of the elements brings forth holistic sustainable solutions. These are fundamentally found in time-tested passive concepts, vernacular practices, and occur in natural processes and phenomenon, as expressed in the equation below:
_ lightness + permeability = sustainability
Through the methodology as expressed in the equation above, the design principles and strategies applied are found in these built solutions:
#3 sub-units of extended family - hinged around #Common areas - using village analogy.
#Spatial configuration composing of box (private); congregation (communal); transient (ephemeral, in-between): Living + Dining - communal; Gallery (transient) - in-between in/out; Social Kitchen - communal; Chef’s Kitchen (box) - private
Wrapped around by #Intermediate + transient spaces - climatically ephemeral, dynamic.
Encapsulated by the lightness of #Steel frame lattice - wrapping around existing concrete frame, for rigidity and robustness by spreading the loads.
Inducing the #Intermediary between house - garden - street for communal interaction and surveillance.
Innovating the building envelope with layering of materials & construction to #Kiss the earth, dance with the sun + air - to bring fore and multiply the benefits of topsoil & microbes in CO2 - O2 cycle, to be fully integrated with the #blue-green cycle to promote on site micro #biodiversity.
#Permeability control of the elements of: air (breeze, convection, cushion), light (direct, diffused, reflected, filtered), cooling (radiation, insulation, shading, evaporative), view (direct, obscured, screened, borrowed, object).
_Improvising new usage and repurposing of #traditional construction and #vernacular materials - #clay channels for planters & lightweight #green roof, #cane (rattan) whicker for fence/door/screen application, cement screeding and plastering techniques for flooring and walls instead of modern tiles finish and re-using old timber & rocks for various applications.

Permeability Housed _
Residential Addition + Alteration
Project Data
Location : Petaling Jaya
Project Date : 2021
Client : Private
In an established suburb of Petaling Jaya, within a closed-knitted community, lies this east-fronting house that had been renovated incongruently over the years. It has now been transformed into a progressive test bed for design innovation, research & development, and trial of ideas and principles continuously developed by the practice. The approach stems from a minimalistic standpoint that “lightness” - of building footprint, carbon footprint, weight, construction/ materials & logistics, embedded energy - applied through well considered design of the spatial configuration, envelope and form, coupled with the principles of “permeability” of the elements brings forth holistic sustainable solutions. These are fundamentally found in time-tested passive concepts, vernacular practices, and occur in natural processes and phenomenon, as expressed in the equation below:
_ lightness + permeability = sustainability
Through the methodology as expressed in the equation above, the design principles and strategies applied are found in these built solutions:
#3 sub-units of extended family - hinged around #Common areas - using village analogy.
#Spatial configuration composing of box (private); congregation (communal); transient (ephemeral, in-between): Living + Dining - communal; Gallery (transient) - in-between in/out; Social Kitchen - communal; Chef’s Kitchen (box) - private
Wrapped around by #Intermediate + transient spaces - climatically ephemeral, dynamic.
Encapsulated by the lightness of #Steel frame lattice - wrapping around existing concrete frame, for rigidity and robustness by spreading the loads.
Inducing the #Intermediary between house - garden - street for communal interaction and surveillance.
Innovating the building envelope with layering of materials & construction to #Kiss the earth, dance with the sun + air - to bring fore and multiply the benefits of topsoil & microbes in CO2 - O2 cycle, to be fully integrated with the #blue-green cycle to promote on site micro #biodiversity.
#Permeability control of the elements of: air (breeze, convection, cushion), light (direct, diffused, reflected, filtered), cooling (radiation, insulation, shading, evaporative), view (direct, obscured, screened, borrowed, object).
_Improvising new usage and repurposing of #traditional construction and #vernacular materials - #clay channels for planters & lightweight #green roof, #cane (rattan) whicker for fence/door/screen application, cement screeding and plastering techniques for flooring and walls instead of modern tiles finish and re-using old timber & rocks for various applications.